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Everything you need to know about digital reputation

Everything you need to know about digital reputation

By daniele

Digital reputation is how the public views your brand and the opinions associated with it in different online channels and media. Digital reputation is the public perception of a person or company online. It is based on content (news, articles, and media) and interactions (values, opinions, and comments) posted on social networks, blogs, and specialized sites. Its system, Online Reputation Management, aims to analyze, monitor, and promote image improvement.

How can you check it?

The same content in search results, user reviews on social networks, published on professional sites, and even articles published in the media can be used as a “thermometer” to assess brand reputation.

This concept revolves around a popular trend in the market: public testimony. This principle has been popularized in recent years by best-selling author and professor Robert Cialdini’s The Weapons of Persuasion. In addition to testimonials and success stories, this information tells us that consumers trust people’s opinions more than a company’s advertising. This means that social networks are directly related to the opinions expressed by their audience (brands, customers, and influencers).

Influence of the Internet on the belief in consumption

It’s not just the Internet and electronic store providers that should be concerned about this, as statistics show that the great universality of people’s walkabout is to take notice on the Internet, as well, formerly of executing purchases in physical stores.

Instant searches of conditions and brands on tracking engines and allegory sites have become an intrinsic part of the belief of consumerism. This has also significantly passed the organization of websites and social networks.

Areas such as cause, and comment sessions have become 100% commonplace on websites and online stores like the classic “Like” on social networks. People are proactive in arranging notices to trivia what other customers think about a scarecrow and its condition formerly of executing any investment.

Positive impacts

Popular products sell the most, of course. But the results of good digital marketing work go far beyond sales. These companies also gain more market power, have more employees, attract the attention of investors and, of course, grow even more. However, from the customer’s point of view, returns can be quite a surprise.

While today’s consumers are more critical when it comes to buying, they are more interested in building relationships with brands they like and recommend. In addition to the level of loyalty, “marketplace lovers” also get an army of reviewers. Your customers actively interact online, participate in marketing campaigns, and even protect their online reputation by responding to enemies and potential attacks from competitors.

Negative Impacts

Regardless of the position in which a company performs, the first blow we perceive when the reputation of our signal is not proportionally is the growth of objections from our audience. Clients begin to question our type and services, as well as the modesty of our organization.

Professionals can populate a shortening in the request of their engagement and their point in events and content. Companies can print impacts on billing, LTV (Lifetime Value or customer energy cycle), and even turnover rates.

On the other hand, it is important to keep in mind that not having a web presence is as detrimental as a bad reputation, since a business with few references also generates distrust among consumers.

